Welcome to Genevieve's life!

Welcome to Genevieve's blog! My goal is to post a photo everyday to remember and document just how fast she is growing up. We don't want to miss anything!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ketchup and Bath

Your favorite food in the world is ketchup. You will eat it plain (yuck!) but I always try to serve you something with it, like eggs or potatoes. Though most of the time you use it to dip, then lick the ketchup off of it, not bite it. Tonight I made you an egg with ketchup and I came left the kitchen for a minute. When I came back in the egg was on the tray (at least not the floor!) and you had the bowl on your head and you were saying "hat, hat". Problem was there was still ketchup in the bowl so now your hair was full of it. After you finished eating it was off to the bath!


  1. At least you like to wear a hat now. You usually don't like to wear hats. Maybe we need to put food in the hat and then you will wear it.
    Grandma Terri

  2. She looks Jewish here. Also, this should be one of the pictures you put in her yearbook page for graduation.
