Welcome to Genevieve's life!

Welcome to Genevieve's blog! My goal is to post a photo everyday to remember and document just how fast she is growing up. We don't want to miss anything!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Letter of Support for Aquanatal

This letter is to express my support and enthusiasm for Aquanatal Birth Center and their birth team. I researched many birth providers in the Inland Empire area and choose Aquanatal for their caring, competent and family oriented staff and facilities. I made my choice before conceiving and once I began care I was immediately affirmed I had made the right decision. 

When many of my pregnant friends were sharing their pregnancy journeys they often talked about long waits, feeling ill prepared for childbirth and often left things up to “fate”. My experience was unlike any of theirs, even those who sought care with midwives. It seems like a simple fact that when growing another human the things you put into your mouth DIRECTLY affect the little person growing inside. Despite this somewhat “duh” statement many OB/GYN’s and even other midwives often have only slight or no mention of proper nutrition, protein intake and water intake. For instance, I have a friend who made it through an entire pregnancy without drinking water! A large chunk of my prenatal appointments were spent talking about proper nutrition, hydration and activity level. Each appointment was extensive and lasted anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour. The food journal I was asked to complete made sure I was on track with my eating and hence the growing of my beautiful baby girl. 

When it became closer to the end of my pregnancy appointments increased from every 2-3 weeks to every week. To be honest once everything was over I missed going back! Careful monitoring of any swelling, blood pressure, temperature changes etc, as well as recommendations for keeping me healthy for the reminder of the pregnancy was abundant. At 41 weeks I went to labor, on my own, no intervention needed. I was able to move freely, eat and drink, stand, squat, kneel, walk, do anything that I needed to do to feel comfortable and empowered by my birth. On July 31, 2010 at 6:16am my 10 lb 2 oz baby girl was born, without drugs, without intervention, without a c section and all along giving me the high of my life. 

Things could have ended a lot different for me. At my annual exam a few months later the OB/GYN was asking about my history and I told him about my birth. In response to her weight he told me, and I promise you this is true, “we section for a lot less then that”. I thought to myself, I know that is why I went with Aquanatal. He would have been willing to take away one of the most empowering moments in my life so he wouldn’t have to wait around for a “trial” of labor. Did I know my baby was going to be over 10 lbs? Not a clue but isn’t it amazing what your body can do when you have don’t know that you are not supposed to be able to do it? 

I am an enthusiastic supporter of Aquanatal Birth Center. I recommend to any woman who wishes to have the pregnancy journey and experience of a lifetime to look into Aquanatal. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND choosing Aquanatal Birth Center for those seeking to experience and understand the fierce spirit and power our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers and other foremothers felt. Safe and empowering birthing fuels the fire of woman around the world, with it I now know that I CAN DO ANYTHING. 

**I wrote this letter in support Aquanatal and all the wonderful work that do for families in Southern California. 

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