Welcome to Genevieve's life!

Welcome to Genevieve's blog! My goal is to post a photo everyday to remember and document just how fast she is growing up. We don't want to miss anything!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day at Grandmas

We were watching Amelie for Aunt Teresa, and Genevieve enjoyed playing with her and trying to get Amelie to play the game Genevieve wanted to play. She tried to get Amelie to be Elsa, but Amelie wouldn't wear the cape. For a while we played dog and owner and took turns being the dog. We tried to get Amelie to be Fiest, the new puppy, but Amelie didn't cooperate.
Genevieve wore Alexandra's hand-me-down dress and looked very cute.
We played with Playdough, princess dress-up, princess toys, and Mess Monster. Genevieve hurt her hand when she mashed into the gate while playing Mess Monster, but when Amelie kissed it (licked it) she quit crying and was fine. All in all, she had a good day.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tiger Genevieve

Report from the Field: 
Grandpa made Genevieve into a tiger. She enjoyed being the baby tiger and the mommy tiger.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New Snow White

Report from the field: 
She is looking down the tube at Amelie because we have a book that says "What will happen if I look down this long tube?" "I will see a wet nose." The dog in the picture looks like Amelie. She had to try it out.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Daddy took you to Legoland today for a Daddy/Daughter day. You had a good time and enjoyed the log ride and playing with the water. The weather was perfect and you slept the whole way home.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Helper Genevieve

From the field: 
Genevieve was washing the dishes for me.(Her request)  I gave her the plastic plates and bowls to wash and she had a good time getting them clean. I was trying to get her to look at the camera, but she said she was too busy washing the dishes to look at me. When I gave her the plate she washed with her dinner on it later she was very surprised and said, "You used the plate I washed. Thank you Grandma!" and she gave me a big hug. It was a special hug.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Genevieve has been enjoying using the Starfall web site again. She likes to do the books and activities with the seasons. Now she is able to use the mouse to click on the right part of the screen.
She didn't eat all her dinner and wanted a snack later. I told her no, that she needed to eat her dinner or a healthy snack. She wasn't buying it, she said she wanted a "real snack." She didn't get one though.
She picked out all the Pinkalious books to read for a bedtime story. She fell asleep when I read Silverlious to her and we had to finish up in the morning. She looked so sweet sleeping. She was Sweetalious.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

John's Incredible Pizza

From Grandma: 
Last night when Genevieve woke up with her fever about 12:30 she had her medicine. When she felt better about an hour later  she was trying to convince me that we should go to John's Incredible Pizza right then.  Unfortunately for her I did not want to go. I told her I will take her when she is all better.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Polka Dot Jammies

Ok they are really Santa jammies, but I am getting as much mileage as I can out of them until you outgrow them!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Chuck E Cheese

From Grandma: 
Today we went to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner and to play. I was exhausted from teaching during the morning, but after Genevieve asked me all afternoon I said yes. We went on the rides, played the games, climbed on the play structure, and ate some terrible gluten-free pizza. Genevieve said it was good, but I didn't like it. We had a good time and she made a few new friends.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Charlie's Stars and Stripes

Charlie's Star and Stripes in Downtown Upland has an amazing $5 steak dinner on Monday night. We went up for dinner and you entertained yourself by taking the glass beads and sugar packets out and making a road for the sugar packets to walk along. Kept you busy for a long time! And yes, that is Genevieve wearing her Rapunzel dress out to dinner.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

New Parks

Daddy is taking you on a tour of all the different Upland parks this year. You enjoyed playing at a new park this afternoon, the weather was great!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

We went to Target tonight to buy you a Valentines Day toy for being so sweet! After much much deliberation you ended up with a princess royal carriage for your princess dolls. You also requested the "frozen drink" (Icee) as well. Happy valentines day to my sweet baby!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Time to learn!

From Grandma: 
We had a very academic morning after going to the park. We read about 5 books, did her homework from preschool, played ipad educational games, colored, and did puzzles. Dad bought her dominoes and she enjoyed knocking them down.
She was in a good mood.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Only way to travel...

Since your legs never seem to work or are always tired we always seem to be carrying you around. Daddy carried you most of the way home from Molly's. We made you walk the last block home and you cried every minute of it.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Roaring 20's

Tonight Mommy and Daddy are headed out to the JW Marriott for a 1920's themed party. Lucky you get to spend the night at Nana and Papas house! Mommy and Daddy are all dressed up for a party!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Orlando, Day 1

Day 1 of our Orlando trip. We started early in the morning flying out of Ontario and took a break at Dallas Fort Worth. You enjoyed the playground and a snack before continuing on to Orlando. We rented a car and headed over to our hotel. You knocked out not even 2 minutes into the car ride! We walked to Universal City Walk for a great dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. We enjoyed walking around Citywalk after dinner before going to bed. Off to Epcot tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Not feeling good :(

Poor thing, you are not feeling good. Fever and sleepy. Rest baby Genevieve because we are going to Florida next week!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Vroom Vroom!

We went to Toy R Us to spend some of your Christmas money to buy a Elsa and Anna doll from Frozen and somehow ended up in the motorized car department. You sat in every single one and played with it for a minute before moving on to the next. It is safe to say it might end up on your list next year.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Noodle Cookies

You asked me all day if we could make cookies so I finally said yes! We made Daddies favorite, Snickerdoodles, which you kept referring to as Noodle Cookies. You had a little handfuls of flour and sugar in your apron pockets and I asked you why, you said "But Mommy, I needed ingredients to make you a cake!". I agreed that in that instance, it was ok.

Friday, January 24, 2014


There is nothing better then going to Souplantation after a long week of work. I get the same thing every time I go,  while Genevieve is still figuring out what she likes. This time it was lemonade, pasta and ice cream- go figure!

Monday, January 20, 2014


Your favorite food is bread. Hot dog buns, french bread, sandwich bread, it doesn't matter much. You don't even like butter with it, just plain bread. You are cheap to feed!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

You asked for it!

You asked me to take this picture, I can't be held responsible for any embarrassment in later years because of it... For the record, you love this picture.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Logan's Candy

We went to see Valentine's Day candy cane hearts being made today and when we came home you made candy canes just like they did! You took the "dough" and stretched it over the hook, rolled it out and slid it to me to make the heart. It was cute.

Friday, January 17, 2014

I got the power!

You have recently discovered the remote control that controls your light/fan in your room. I have to keep a close eye on it, otherwise we may never see it again!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Doc McStuffins

Your new favorite thing to play is Doc McStuffins. I have received many check ups from you and are very good at checking me out and giving me a diagnoses. You always have a little evil laugh though when you give me the shot (always a shot, no matter what is wrong with me!).

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hello Kitty Jammies

You got two sets of Hello Kitty jammies for Christmas, and what better time then Jan to wear summer jammies in SoCal! You look like a cutie!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fell asleep on me!

You fell asleep before I could take a photo of you today so you get a photo of you sleeping, in your own bed though! That part is exciting!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sleeping in your own bed

You threw up on Saturday morning on your little bed we made up for you in our room. Ever since then you have been sleeping in your own room in your own bed. What a good little girl! Sorry you didn't feel good, but it has been working good for you to sleep in your "feel good" bed.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Preschool Homework

We don't always have you do your preschool homework packet (it's optional!) but sometimes you ask to do it. You enjoy coloring and tracing your name. Your turn them in and get a sticker on each sheet you complete. You really like getting stickers!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Reign Game

I took you for some quality Mommy/Daughter time at the Reign game. I missed two of the three goals because we were in the potty, including the game winner in overtime, but you didn't seem to mind! Cotton candy is always a must at these types of things!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Game

Your new favorite game is for you to hold on to our leg and us (slowly!) drag you around the dinning room. You slide really good with your jammies and have the time of your life.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Daddy's Girl

Usually you are a Mommy's girl but sometimes night you just like Daddy better. That is ok, gives me a break from the constant Mommy, Mommy I hear all the time.