Welcome to Genevieve's life!

Welcome to Genevieve's blog! My goal is to post a photo everyday to remember and document just how fast she is growing up. We don't want to miss anything!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Flip Diapers

As a part time environmentalist I knew I didn't want to use disposables diapers. The waste, chemicals and expense seemed like a bad combination for me. Through independent research, a great cloth diaper class from No Sugar Added in Claremont and some supplies from a friend I landed on the Flip diaper system. I LOVE IT! Not only did we get everything we need from birth to potty training for about $150 but it is so easy. Just a load of wash every 3 days or so, faster and cheaper then the gas it would take to the get the store, never mind the diapers!

You never really have had a rash (we are still on our 1st tube of cream) and although you suffer from the occusional blowout (I think the same thing happens with disposables as well) you seem to like them to. We are lucky that Nancy is able to do the cloth diapering with you. We have about 7 covers and about 40 prefold cotton inserts, more then we need, but it is better then running out. Also, cloth wipes are easy to use and to wash with the diapers. No yucky chemicals next to your skin! Grandma Terri stiched the wipes for you and we have lots of fun diesgins.

I would recommend cloth diapering, especially the Flip system to any new parent. It is super easy to use, convenient and did I mention cheap??!?

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